General Terms and Conditions for Developers
This document (hereinafter referred to as: “GTC”) contains the general rules, rights and obligations on the access and use of the services provided by CodersRank Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (hereinafter referred to as: “CodersRank”) to natural person software developers (hereinafter referred to as: “Developer”) through his website under (hereinafter referred to as: “Website”). The General Terms and Conditions of Services for Companies are governed by a separate document.
The Developer is allowed to use the Website and the services only in compliance with this GTC and all applicable laws. By accessing and using the Website and the services, the Developer explicitly agree to comply with and be bound by this GTC (e.g. by ticking a checkbox).
- General data of CodersRank
CodersRank is a company incorporated under the laws of Hungary with the following data:
registration number: 09-10-000582;
registered by: Company Registry Court of Debrecen Regional Court;
seat: 4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 129;
tax number: 26313986-2-09;
represented by: Károly Paczári managing director;
contact data:
Data of hosting service provider:
name: Cloudways Ltd.
seat: 52 Springvale Pope Pius XII Street Mosta MST2653, Malta
contact data (telephone, email): +35635500106
- Developer
The Developer represents that he is 18 years of age or above and competent to contract. The Developer states and confirms, that he is signing up for the services in good faith, and to use them only for their intended purposes.
The Developer represents that in the course of the use of the Website and the services, he acts lawfully and respects the rights and dignity of others, and has special regard to the good reputation of CodersRank.
- Service
CodersRank provides its services (hereinafter referred to as: “Service”) by electronic means on its Website. The Service is provided to Developers free of charge. The Developer himself shall ensure the electronic devices and bear all costs incurred in relation to the access and use of the Service and the Website.
The main aim of the Service is to connect the Developer and any companies (hereinafter referred to as: “Company”), who recruit professionals and use the Service.
By using the Service, the Developer creates his own professional profile by adding individual and specific details on his professional background and needs. CodersRank shall assess and evaluate the professional performance of the Developer by automated means. On the basis of the Developer’s own decision, his professional profile can be indicated as active, passive, not-interested, or hidden. The Company shall search and evaluate the professional profiles, and may contact the Developer on the basis of the settings of the Developer’s professional profile.
CodersRank neither provides any consultancy services regarding job opportunities, neither does it guarantee that Developer shall be contacted by any Company. CodersRank shall not provide any employment arrangement services (intermediary activity). All activities made to hire a professional shall be performed by the Developers and Companies themselves, at their own risk and liability communicating directly with each other.
The use of the Website and its functionalities by the Developer or by the Company shall not be considered as CodersRank is his agent in any form or manner. Any disputes between the Developer and the Company (or other user) are to be resolved between the Developer and the Company (or other user) only, and CodersRank is not responsible and shall not be required to mediate or resolve any disputes or disagreements between such users.
- Using the Service
- Registration
In order to use the Service, the Developer shall register on the Website. The registration creates the contract between the Developer and CodersRank, on the basis of the provisions of this GTC.
In the course of registration, the Developer shall upload his professional profile, providing personal data (name, email address, GitHub user name, location, job-seeker status) and personal private code, furthermore specifying his professional achievements (professional skills, qualification, work experience), expected salary and preferences (see in the Privacy Policy). The Developer creates his own username and password to log in the Website.
The data in the “About me” section shall be provided by the Developer manually. The result of the assessment and evaluation process (see point 5.) made by CodersRank shall be available in the “Tech Profile” section.
The Developer is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his password. The Developer represents that he has all rights required to provide the information he has provided to the Website and his profile, and represents that they are true and accurate. The Developer is authorized to change the provided information at any time.
The Developer is solely responsible for his acts on the Website including those conducted under the username assigned to him. The Developer is responsible for all actions taken or content added through his profile.
The Developer agrees that the profile content uploaded can be used and viewed by the Company and CodersRank, with respect to profile settings (see point 4.3.).
- Private code
As reference to private works of the Developer, some software code details can be made available by the Developer as private code. The connection of personal private codes shall be provided either by using an algorithm called “repo info extractor” or by using a partner platform (e.g. GitHub) with out-tokens.
In case of using “repo info extractor” only statistical data of the private work shall be provided in the profile, no code-details shall be available to CodersRank and the Company.
By using a partner platform, the Developer provides direct access to his works according to the rules and provisions of the partner platform. In this case, CodersRank and the Company are able to view code-details.
The Developer is authorized to change the provided information at any time. Nevertheless, the Developer has the sole liability to take into account and to comply with the conditions of the non-disclosure agreement has been made by and between the Developer himself and his employer or principal in relation with private works.
- Profile settings
In the course of registration or any time during the use of the Service, the Developer shall set his user-status and profile as active, passive, not-interested or hidden, on the basis of the actual job-seeking level of the Developer.
Active user: means that the Developer seeks a new job and he is open for a new job opportunity, this profile is available to the Company.
Passive user: means that the Developer does not seek a job, but he is open for a job opportunity, this profile is available to the Company.
Not-interested user: means that the Developer does not seek a job, and he is not interested in job offers, this profile is not available to the Company.
Public profile: this profile is available to the Company.
Hidden profile: this profile is not available to the Company.
- Contact with the Company
The Company, who is entitled to use the Service, shall examine the profiles of the Developers (regarding the profile settings, see point 4.3.) to hire professionals. As a result of evaluating the available profiles on the Website, the Company may contact the Developer through the Website.
In case the Developer accepts such request and contacts the Company through the Website, the further contact details of the Developer shall be available to the Company. Then the consultations and negotiations shall be performed by and between the Developer and the Company themselves, on any platform they prefer.
- Cancellation of the profile
The profile of the Developer may be cancelled by the Developer at any time through the Website, without any prior notification. In case of cancellation all data and information provided in the profile shall be cancelled and cannot be restored.
- Assessment and evaluation process
CodersRank carries out an assessment and evaluation process on the basis of the private codes and professional skills of the Developer. This process focuses on the professional experience and background of the Developer, and the result of the process shall be made by automated means.
As a result of the evaluation the Developer gains points in the field of each technology (programming language) and a professional graph shall be placed in his profile – on the basis thereof the Developers can be easily compared to one another. Such profiling is necessary for the performance of the contract between the Developer and CodersRank, and it is based on the explicit consent of the data subject.
The result of evaluation is updated every week automatically. The Developer is entitled to use the result of evaluation on other platforms and is entitled to refer thereto.
- Termination
The profile of the Developer may be cancelled by the Developer at any time. In case of cancellation all data and information provided in the profile shall be cancelled and cannot be restored.
If any action of the Developer or materials posted by him on the Website are considered prohibited, CodersRank reserves the right to review such actions or content to determine in his sole and absolute discretion whether it violates this GTC. CodersRank reserves the right to take necessary legal actions against the Developer who place prohibited content on the Website and in his profile.
CodersRank reserves the right to terminate the access to the Website at any time, at his sole discretion. The Developer and the Company acknowledge CodersRank’s right to do so and waive any claim that arises from such termination.
- Liability
The Website and the Service are provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. CodersRank specifically disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
CodersRank takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content from Developer or Company, including links to web pages, that any Developer, Company or third party posts or transmits using the Website or the Service.
CodersRank is neither liable for the errors or defects of the electronic devices of the Developer or the Company, nor for the inappropriate Internet access.
While CodersRank works to protect the security of the profile of the Developer and the Company, CodersRank cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to circumvent his security measures. The Developer shall notify CodersRank immediately in the event of any compromise or unauthorized use of the profile of the Developer, or in case the Developer has any claim or complaint against CodersRank, at
Due to the fact that the Service is provided to the Developer free of charge, the complaints of the Developer are not qualified as consumer disputes under Hungarian law. Nevertheless, when legal rules provide so, the consumer can file his complaint to the conciliation board – on the basis of the registered seat of CodersRank the Conciliation Board of Hajdú-Bihar County has competency (address: 4025 Debrecen, Vörösmarty u. 13-15; telephone: 52-500-710, 52-500-745, fax: 52-500-720; e-mail: or The contact of the national consumer organisations of Hungary are available here:
Consumers may use the online platform for resolving disputes, which is instituted by the European Commission on the address
- Intellectual property
The Developer and the Company have the right to access and use of the Website and the Service in accordance with this GTC, and there are no other rights being granted to them by CodersRank.
All materials in the Website and the Service, including branding, trade names, logos, design, text, search results, graphics, images, pictures, page headers, graphics, icons, scripts, software, sound files and other files, and the selection, arrangement and compilation of information thereof (hereinafter referred to as: “Materials“), are the property of CodersRank, his suppliers, licensors or users and are protected by intellectual property laws, including copyright and trademark laws. The Materials cannot be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CodersRank.
- Confidentiality
The Developer, the Company and CodersRank shall maintain the confidentiality of all information on the business operation and trade secrets of the others, except that information may be disclosed and made available to the users of the Website and the Service, with respect to point 4.3.
The foregoing shall not be applicable to any information that is publicly available when provided or which thereafter becomes publicly available or which is required to be disclosed by any regulatory authority in the lawful and appropriate exercise of its jurisdiction over the Developer or the Company and CodersRank, or by applicable law or regulation.
This point 9 shall survive the termination of this GTC and the contract between the Developer or the Company and CodersRank for any reason.
- Modification
CodersRank reserves the right to modify or discontinue (completely or in part) the Website, the Service, or any content appearing therein. CodersRank will not be liable if CodersRank exercises this right.
CodersRank reserves the right to change or modify this GTC at any time and at his sole discretion. Any changes or modification will be effective immediately upon posting the updated GTC on the Website. The continued use of the Website or Service by the Developer or the Company following the posting of changes or modifications will confirm the acceptance of such changes or modifications.
- Miscellaneous
The language of the Website and the contract between the Developer and CodersRank is English. The contract is made by electronic means and shall not be considered as a written contract and shall not be filed by CodersRank. CodersRank does not apply any sort of code of conduct.
If CodersRank fails to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this GTC, such failure will not be deemed to be a waiver of such right or provision.
CodersRank may assign his rights and duties under this GTC without any notice to the Developer or the Company.
If any provision of this GTC is deemed invalid, then that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary and the other provisions of this GTC remain in full force and effect.
This GTC is governed by the laws of Hungary. Any and all legal relationships arising out of or in connection with the Website and the Service and their use are governed by the laws of Hungary. The disputes between the Developer and CodersRank shall be settled amicably. In case the mutual agreement cannot be reached, all disputes shall be decided by the competent court of Hungary with jurisdiction over CodersRank’s registered seat.
Date: 2020.11.01.
CodersRank Zrt.