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8 Reasons why Your Friends will love the platform
Monitor your performance
Thanks to our scoring algorithm, you’ll see how you're improving with every commit you make.
Always up-to-date
Say goodbye to your old portfolio page or PDF files. Your realtime developer profile shows off who You really are!
We’re smarter together
Join our developer’s community including 46.000+ members, get inspiration, and have a good time with like-minded people from 120 countries.
Know your worth
See how you compare to your friends, workmates, or other developers worldwide.
Get Your dream job
Get the bast paying job offers based on a 100% match of Your real tech-stack!
Completely free
Our goal is to support your professional growth. So you’ll always have free access to our platform – for more and more personalized improvement opportunities.
Your profile, your data, your control
All CodersRank services are designed with security at the core.
Privacy built-in
Control who can see your profile, when they can see it and track who has seen it.
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Show Off What You Know
We create different charts to represent your work experience over time. These are great tools to track your progress and see how fast you are learning!
Skill boxes help illustrate how experienced you are, which programming languages you prefer, and they say more about your habits and preferences overall.
The programming language is just one side of the story. We also check and display your favorite technologies, so you can better identify your strengths.
We are grabbing your data from different sources. GitHub, StackOverflow, GitLab, HackerRank and more. We’re constantly expanding the number of integrations to make your profile as accurate as possible.