Find, Evaluate and connect with your missing developers
Engage developers in the most efficient way!
Find, Evaluate, and Connect with your missing developers
Engage developers in the most efficient way!
We make your sourcing process Easier Faster Cheaper Better
CodersRank is a candidate platform designed to save time and increase software developer response rates.

Focus on quality over quantity!
Find qualified developers instantly, based on their proven experience
and digital footprint
- 500,000+ DEV profiles
- Active and passive job-seekers
- Pro filters make it simple
- Active community of experienced, job-seeking developers
Find active and passive
Filter for active and passive candidates open to new opportunities. The active job-seek status expires in 30 days, so you can be sure the developer is really open for your job.

Pro filters make it simple
Our search platform saves you time and increases your accuracy when you’re looking for software developers.
Boolean or keyword search options, tech-stack, time-zone, and remote filters are here to help you.

Exponentially growing community
We’re not another scraping tool. CodersRank is a fast-growing and active community of experienced, job-seeker developers.
1000+ users join us every month from different countries. You can access new job-seeking talent every Monday.
Everything you need to know, in one place.
The CodersRank profile is the perfect summary of a developer’s real coding experience, validated tech stack, and up-to-date job preferences (like salary expectations).
- Developer ranking
- Job preferences
- Code-based evaluation
- Resume-bolstering factors
Developer ranking
& leaderboard view
See how your developers compare to other developers worldwide. Our unique scoring algorithm helps you identify the rising stars and overperformers.

Up-to-date job preferences
Our developers expand their profiles with additional info based on their job preferences.
Learn more about their job-seeking status, specialization, salary expectations, location availabilities, and more.

Code-based evaluation you can trust
We analyze the developers’ code from all company projects and unify the results with HR data.
Easily view favorite technologies, strengths, weaknesses, and how they’ve improved their skills.
All-in-all, their REAL experience.

Resume-bolstering factors
Candidates complete their profiles with even more data, such as their work experience, personal projects, certificates, education, portfolio, and bio.
All the invaluable information you need for a successful, aligned hire.

Reach out to candidates easier, and get their positive replies!
Forget irrelevant cold email lists, obsolete scraped databases and outdated nonresponsive LinkedIn profiles
80%+ Response Rate
We’re not a scraping tool. All of our developers are registered CodersRank members. Thanks to our active community and the various channels we provide, you’ll have a better chance to connect with relevant matches.
Various channels & maximum efficiency
Email, phone number, inmail, social accounts (LI, FB, TW), personal website – everything is provided to you to directly communicate with developers the most efficient way.
CodersRank is GDPR ready
We believe data privacy is one of the most important aspects of business. Our users’ and partners’ data is protected in accordance with GDPR.
Become a sourcing expert by our PRO features
Expand your exclusive talent pool, build brand awareness,
and manage candidates like a pro.
Find devs not available on LinkedIn
What is your competitive advantage, when everybody uses LinkedIn and targets the same talents? Move beyond LinkedIn and expand your sourcing horizons.
Enhanced job branding through our
job portal
Get direct applicants: have your job listings appear more prominently on our job board.

Trusted by the World’s Best Companies
They are already hiring on CodersRank: